What we need is a new color code system for the political parties in America.
The Libertarians can be gray.
The Greens – well – they can be green.
The Republicans want to be red so the Communists will have to take another color as soon as they form a new party.
The Democrats are blue.
The Conservatives can be yellow – because they hide behind the Republicans and won’t come out in the open.
The Christian Conservatives can be purple – and their party leader can wear a robe and a crown.
The Liberals can be orange – a little red, a little yellow.
This way we can avoid the lies attached to the present red/blue state problem. As before the Civil War there were plenty of people in the south that didn’t want their states to leave the Union and raise a traitorous army – in today’s America there are plenty of people in many of the ‘red’ states that didn’t want to watch Rumsfeld mishandle Iraq for another 4 years – but it’s kind of hard to get around those pesky bureaucratic and corrupt election boards that have sprung up in Ohio, Florida, New Mexico or the entirely upside down system in Texas.
The colors I choose are Red, White and Blue – before I answer to party or religion – I am an American.
What are you?
I want my vote counted. I want my borders secure. I want my military home. I want the budget balanced. I want taxes reduced.