First of all he had his ‘Blame Game’ phrase changed to ‘The storm didn’t discriminate and neither will the recover effort.’
When asked about what he thought went wrong with the disaster response he said, ‘Well, there’s a lot of information floating around out there.’
Get it?
‘A lot of information floating around out there.’
Other notable figures had things to say.
"It makes me think of what my friend Rev. Goat just told me: 'Let me say this before it goes any further; New Orleans didn't die of natural causes, she was murdered.'", said Dr. John.
The President’s mother, Barbara Bush, was memorable with this gushing of weak kneed, blue blood gibberish, “"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas."
Ex-FEMA Director Michael Brown said, ‘"This story's not about me. This story's about the worst disaster of the history of our country that stretched every government to its limit. And now we have to help these victims. " He apparently helped Lockheed Martin through Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour and his old boss man Joe Allbaugh.
Al Sharpton said, "No one in America should feel comfortable sleeping, unless we know that plans are in place that will protect the cities of this country, because it could have been us."
Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic leader said, "The president said he's going to lead the investigation into what went wrong. He needs to look only in the mirror."