For all of those conservative businessmen sitting out there with the confused democrats that just can’t seem to put a finger on why the Republican party has wandered away from its roots and taken up evenings and Sundays with radical preachers and visionaries intent on conquering the world all they need to do is take a look at history.
The Republican Part is merely returning to its roots. It was originally founded by socialists who mooned over Karl Marx.
In 1854 Alvan Bovay formed a new party. They called themselves Republicans as Bovay believed it suggested equality.
The party platform pledged equality for all workers.
The slogan ``Free soil, free speech, free men.'' came from them. They actually tried to force big banks to stop foreclosure actions against small farmers. The Republicans are trying that today and you can participate by going to Farm-Aid.
We can see the perversion of the ‘modern’ Republican party in their insistence on putting up stone idols engraved with the 10 commandments in every state capitol in the nation as well as in their insistence on amendments that praise the family and invite ever more control over the family by invasive government forces.
The ‘modern’ Republican party has been taken over by a euphoric band of do-gooders intent on spreading their brand of enthusiastic religion and government into every aspect of our lives. Their utopian ideals span control of the financial markets to control of reproduction and tax reform that amounts to socialism.