A lot of priests and ministers want to talk about it.
Then they shake their tambourine in your face.
On top of the money they get from their ‘flock’ and on top of the money they have as tax-free organizations.
Politicians talk about it too.
Yesterday I saw an 11 year old girl wearing an ‘Abortion Kills Kids’ t-shirt.
But what if the baby is already dead?
Abortions of fetuses that have expired in their mother’s womb are covered in their attacks as are pregnancies caused by rape, child abuse and incest.
In fact, under Mr. Bush’s laws this nation is expected to try and imprison rapists, child molesters and incest attackers, pay for their room and board, give them education and training AND raise their kids.
Does that make sense to you?
As I watched that 11 year old girl walk around in her t-shirt I wondered just what was going on in her life for her parents to use her as a human billboard.
Did she know about cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, birth defects, rubella, polio, incest, rape and prison?
What was this little girl being told? That the people most likely to attack her were protected by the people who made her t-shirt?
It’s not the popular topic anymore because abortion rates have been falling in the United States for nearly 20 years.
As the economy worsens however, this may reverse.
We should free our nation foreign trade dependence.