Louisiana, Florida, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois remain addicted to Federal handouts. In Louisiana and Florida sugar cane is grown on vast acreages and crowds out all other crops.
Michigan, Indiana and Illinois price support systems and bizarre cash payments support an economy based on sugar beets.
These programs became part of our national defense system during the 1950’s and 1960’s as the United States attempted to become self-sufficient in sugar production in order to counter sweet toothed communists in Cuba.
Sugar is a sweet deal for farmers ‘in the know’ but leaves a bad taste in the mouth of consumers.
The price of sugar and therefore many food and drinks has been held at artificially high levels.
As a result sugar appears to be a good investment and around the world countries that cannot even feed or provide medicine to their people rush to raise sugar to get cash.
Market gluts occur every year.
Millions of acres are used for producing only sugar cane.
Kenya is an excellent example what happens.
Every year the east African nation struggles to feed its growing population while using a price support system similar to the American model to brace up their sugar industry.
Annually Kenya pays millions to well connected farmers who produce little or nothing of worth while the majority of Kenyans continue to struggle in their lives just make ends meet.
In this way Kenya is not all that different from America.