Be sure to have your speakers turned up so that you can easily make out the sounds of flatulence that accompany the multi-colored ‘Boobah’ creatures.
The creator of the show says that the sounds that are used on the show were chosen to represent sounds of anxiety relief.
What they sound like are the sounds of escaping gas followed by the sound of a heavy object being dropped into water.
The attention to these anal sounds are not the worst part however. Each of the creatures themselves, when resting in their ‘nests’, appear to be a large clitoris. When they are excited they stand up with arms and hands extended and their heads take on the aspect of a pre-pubescent penis.
Many professionals have already come forward and stated that the show teaches nothing.
The creator and distributor of the program insists that they are using ‘patterns’ in order to teach. The story is stretched quite far. In one episode called ‘Painting the Fence’, a Chinese woman appears before a long red fence. She then uses a huge bucket of yellow paint to paint the red fence yellow.
This show appears to have been created to break into the mainland Chinese television market (communists) and somehow has ended up on American, British and Australian television.