Recently three items were removed from the Sunshine Project online clearinghouse of US government "non-lethal" chemical and biological weapons documents. The United States Marine Corps claimed that the papers presence posed a threat to Department of Defense research programs and employees because posting the materials may have resulted in government employees being physically harmed.
It seems strange in light of the errors made at Boston University that led to scientists there being infected with Rabbit Fever because in that case the government workers were clearly harmed because of not posting materials that would have clearly indicated to them that they were working with dangerous creatures not furry little bunnies bacteria as they had thought.
Boston University officials admitted that the workers handling the tularemia vaccine did not follow safety procedures. They removed the principal investigator, Dr. Peter A. Rice, from his post as chief of infectious diseases but he’s still hanging around looking for a handout. Rice was supposed to be the one training workers for a new high-security laboratory that will work with much more lethal creatures – right in Boston.
The tularemia vaccine researchers thought they were working with a harmless "vaccine strain" of the Francisella tularensis bacterium but was really a manufactured mutant that was combined with a dangerous bacteria.
Dr. Thomas J. Moore, acting provost of the university's medical campus did not report anything to state health authorities until Nov. 9 even though infection was confirmed on October 29, a delay he said he could not explain. But he defended the decision not to tell the public.
"I feel comfortable about the decision not to make a public announcement because there wasn't a public risk, since tularemia can't be passed from person to person." Dr. Moore said. The only problem with that statement is it wasn’t tularemia but a mutant that had infected the workers.
What other work may eventually end up in the city limits of Boston, Seattle, Houston, New York or Los Angeles?
Well the United States Army – beacon of science – has been spending a great deal of money on reconstructing the ‘Spanish Flu’ virus that killed 20 to 40 million people in 1918. They have already isolated the virus, inserted it into modern flu strains and have been infecting mice.
The new weapon can be applied with an aerosol or delivered in shoulder mounted biological grenades, with artillery, rockets or dropped from space with missiles or orbiting platforms.