Doctor Arata Kochi was the head of the World Health Organization to eradicate tuberculosis.
It is widely reported that erratic behavior and domineering influence caused many problems in the organization before he was forced out.
He is now in charge of the project to eradicate malaria in Africa and is insisting on using massive amounts of DDT to kill mosquitoes.
Some people say that because while he was there the number of TB cases fell is evidence that he did a good job.
They do not give any weight to the increased effectiveness of new drugs, the improved distribution network and education. These same supporters never acknowledge the increased involvement of those most at risk, improved infrastructures and general rise in lifestyle resulting in the drop in TB cases.
They also do not recognize the fact that as the organization he led broke up correct statistics were no longer kept.
On paper it looks like everything is going well but who can say because there doesn’t seem to be anyone keep accurate track of what happened or what is happening with TB.
In a terrifying move Doctor Arata Kochi has shown up as head of the Malaria project that is being sponsored by the World Health Organization.
He is forcefully advocating the increased use of DDT in third world countries. Even though other pesticides would be more appropriate to control the mosquito populations Doctor Arata Kochi is determined to use DDT.
DDT is a very dangerous chemical.
It will kill all insects and impact the entire food chain.
Fish, birds and animals will lose a major part of their diet.
People that need game to live will starve.
It causes cancer in humans.
It causes mothers to have premature births and to spontaneously abort babies.
It causes babies to be born with horrible birth defects. It is know as a mutagen. The word mutagen means ‘monster-maker’.
DDT is manufactured in India, Communist China and though it is not used in the United States it can be and is manufactured there for sale elsewhere. It is cheap to make and is a very profitable product.
India, Communist China and the United States are in favor of Doctor Arata Kochi’s idea regarding DDT. They support the World Health Organization in forcing the idea on poor nations to use DDT.
Malaria kills a great many people each year. A common number given is that 800,000 African children die from it each year.
Doctor Arata Kachi has been quoted as saying that he does not want to fail.
It seems he is willing to spray a chemical that kills insects, birds, animals and humans in order to fulfill his apparent destructive desire.
Many nations that are suffering from this scourge are also at war. They are using guns and ammunition that has been manufactured in Communist China, the United States, Russia and Europe. These wars are being fought over natural resources. The reason there is fighting over the natural resources is because Communist China, the United States, Russia and Europe are paying a lot of money to take the natural resources.
It has become impossible to hide the misery that these wars and this exploitation has caused.
There is a general hysteria to do something about it.
Stopping the sale of weapons from so-called rich nations to poor nations would alleviate much of the suffering. Paying honest prices for the natural resources that are being taken - like oil from Nigeria, gold from the Congo and other items - including fish and agricultural products - would also alleviate much of the suffering.
The local governments could then do more to ensure that the people are living in safe and clean environments.
Spraying DDT may bring short term relief but as was discovered in the United States and Italy it will bring long term misery.
The mosquitoes also will become resistant to the chemical.
They have already done so in many locations.
The mosquitoes that DDT is most effective against on an ongoing basis are not the ones that carry malaria. The ones that carry malaria in Sri Lanka have already obtained resistance. DDT is no longer used in Sri Lanka because the mosquitoes and other insects there have already mutated into forms that it will not effect.
DDT still attacks humans in Sri Lanka along with animals that live there - both domestic and wild.
Doctor Arata Kachi, from what I have read, acts in an erratic manner.
The United States has recently taken a stand against the United Nations and up to now has apparently resisted the activities of the World Health Organization. Now a man is in place who looks like he will destroy the reputation of the World Health Organization completely and possibly pollute large swaths of the earth.
The short term economic gain provided by spraying for DDT will cause a massive number of birth defects.
It is possible to eradicate mosquitoes using other chemicals.
The World Health Organization is giving unfair advantage to chemical companies that manufacture DDT and the DDT impregnated netting. Communist China and the United States stand to profit from this apparent rage of irresponsible behavior erupting from Doctor Arata Kachi.
Using DDT across Africa to try and eradicate malaria is like using the atomic bomb to eradicate cancer in Japan.
Anyone alive with cancer at the time of the explosion will die and cancer would be effectively wiped out - but 20 years down the line cancer from radiation will grow up and the people would be in the same state with a different disease.
If DDT is used to eradicate malaria across Africa without support of alternate chemicals and improved sanitation Doctor Arata Kachi’s solution may provide short term relief - but after he is dead and buried the monstrous results of his fevered activity will plague the world health community for decades and last for centuries.
The one thing more destructive than the mosquito in fighting malaria today is, in my opinion, Doctor Arata Kachi.
I hope you will think long and hard about allowing DDT to be used heavily in your nation without further studying the matter and doing everything you can to avoid it.
Look at a part of the ‘Policy Series’ at the World Health Organization.
See who funds it?
1. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2. David and Lucile Packard Foundation
3. Unrestricted educational support from Abbott Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals and Pfizer Inc.
Abbott, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer are international chemical companies specializing in agricultural chemicals and drugs.
Pfizer took over Pharmacia.
During the 2002 elections, Pfizer contributed $1.2 million to federal parties and candidates, more than two-thirds going to Republicans. Pharmacia contributed just under $1 million during 2001-02, mostly to Republicans.
Apparently an FDA medical officer was ordered to delete information on risks of antidepressant drugs.
The information to be concealed was in records being submitted to Congress. The FDA's Office of Chief Counsel urged him to delete the material.
Apparently they repeatedly prevented Mosholder from reporting his conclusions that the medications increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior among children.
Two FDA analyses have concluded that the drugs may double the risk of suicide among some children.
As far back as 1996, an FDA official had suggested an increased risk of suicide among children taking Zoloft.
Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.) asked why the finding had not been followed up.
FDA officials stated that a letter sent at the time to Zoloft's manufacturer, Pfizer Inc., is no longer in the agency's files.
Joe Barton apparently received $10,000 dollars from Pfizer his 2004 campaign.
Pfizer has also showered cash on Dennis Hastert, Tom DeLay and Senator Frist.
The FDA claims they were worried about frightening families away from buying the drugs. Many industry clinicians believe the drugs are effective.
Several studies have found that most of the drugs are no more effective than sugar pills.
The House Ethics Committee recently produced a 72-page report providing a "public admonishment" of both Representative DeLay of Texas and Representative Candice S. Miller of Michigan. (R-Mich.) concerning their improper behavior in pressuring Representative Nick Smith of Michigan to change his vote on the Medicare prescription drug benefit bill.